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Our Membership 

What we do ?

We work with integrity  and collaboratively to achieve our objectives, drawing on the skills of our members – and providing visible leadership and a voice. We are independent of any of our members.


Things we do

 We provide a co-operative forum for drawing together the best of communities system’s intelligence, expertise and innovation, developing new ideas, and supporting each member to achieve excellence.  We are advocates for our members and the work they do, and provide challenge too.


Benefits for our members, North London Community Community Consortium will:


· Advocate on behalf of our members and their objectives to ministers and politicians, civil servants and other stakeholders


· Represent members on national and local community issues  


· Provide policy forums to explore current issues, and develop new policy ideas, informed by intelligence from our members


· Hold events throughout the year, including networking events and community events  e.g Local Employers Network 


· Regularly  share practice and foster  joint funding on local and national  projects 


· We also  currently support across all demographics statutory and private organisations overseeing a coordinated programme of  communities  in North  London  coming together of key agencies to improve outcomes for young people mental health 


· Provide individual support and advice to members on specific challenges in business and practice


· Promote our members and their events through our website, mailing lists and events


Who is eligible for full membership?

To be eligible for full membership an organisation must be a registered voluntary / Community Group or a not-for-profit basis and be based in England, Scotland, Wales, N. Ireland or the Isle of Man.

Find out more

NLCC  welcomes new members and associate members from eligible To request an application form, or should you need any further information, please contact us via email

Our Strategic Priorities 


Service Name

Our strategic priorities are centered on partnership, innovation, sustainability, scalability, and social impact. We collaborate with a network of grassroots partners, including schools, teachers, students, parents, and the wider community, to inspire and support young people in their journey to adulthood. Our programs are designed to address both internal factors, such as self-belief and resilience, and external factors like family and socio-economic influences, which are crucial in connecting young people to their educational and career aspirations.



Service Name

 Our membership approach includes developing interactive educational resources, extending in-school mentoring, promoting lifelong learning, and supporting access to further education and vocational training. We also provide interpersonal skills training, work placements, and money management skills training to remove barriers to progress and help young people become economically active and independent


Service Name

As members  we aim on providing additional practical support and guidance to schools, teachers, young people, their families and the wider community to identify and address the root causes of social exclusion, low aspiration, educational attainment and achievement, poverty and social disadvantage, rather than tackling the symptoms. We aim to demonstrate approaches that can have a positive impact on individuals, families, local communities and the wider society at large, exploring opportunities to share innovation and learning on a national scale using food to engage, educate and empower our clients to employment or self -employment. 

Support Our Cause

North London Community Consortium  

Building a Dynamic Community and Grassroots Movement - Harnessing the Potential of New Technology for Dynamic Programmes - Working towards Self-reliance and Reduction of Grant Dependency - Expanding Programmes to Maximize Reach and Impact


Phone: 07494759851

Company Registered: 12260193

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